Group Offers &
Custom Packaging

A group package may be what your organization needs to help advance tourism in your community. Economic Development Officers, Community Administrators, Tourism Association or Destination Management Organizations can sign up a group in your community focused on tourism, ask us about group discounts and group coaching for 10 or more participants - or become one of our licensees with a minimum of 100 keys per year for your destination and access to in-person coaching, workshops, on-site coaching directly with your tourism operators, local conference speaking and more.

The Firecircle team can help groups:

  • Encourage alignment with your regional tourism strategy and fill gaps in your tourism infrastructure
  • Encourage and help develop tourism market readiness
  • Create special resources for your community on the Firecircle platform
  • Help new businesses integrate into your existing economic development strategies
  • Promote local business partnerships and packaging of services
  • Find efficiencies for businesses in your community through bulk supply purchasing
  • Provide group services such as low cost web design, bookkeeping, grant writing, and more!

We are eager to work with your community but first, we’d like to know a bit about your community and your needs.

Contact us to learn what is possible and how to get started.